A Friday list...
1. I'm finally catching up on the second season of The Crown on Netflix. Aside from one episode in the middle that I ended up doing some fast forwarding through (some sex scenes that were too graphic for my taste) -- I just love this show. The costumes, the history, the subtlety, the outstanding acting, the accents...British historical dramas aren't for everyone, but I'm a fan of this one.
2. Last year, Jeremy and I discovered we could fairly easily adapt the classic Nestle Tollhouse chocolate chip cookie recipe for our little guy with food allergies, and the results are actually pretty yummy. Last week I decided to bake a batch with the kids, then put most of them in the freezer. The problem with this whole scenario...I am eating WAY too many chocolate chip cookies. The freezer is not far enough. I know they're there.
3. I got inspired at the public library the other day and picked up a book on impulse that turned out to be really delightful and engrossing enough to keep me up too late a few nights in a row (What You Don't Know About Charlie Outlaw). I returned it today and checked out a nice stack for the bedside table. I also have a review book that needs my attention soon, but after that I think I'll try either a British historical mystery (The September Society, by Charles Finch) or a sci-fi book recommended in an article at Book Riot (The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet, by Becky Chambers).
4. We have a family of stray cats that like to hang out in our back yard, and I find it mostly infuriating. I don't have anything against cats, generally speaking, but these like to poop all over our backyard, pee on our grill cover, and this morning they'd dragged a plastic baggie full of chicken bones into our backyard from who knows where. HOW CAN I MAKE THEM GO AWAY!? (without trying to catch them myself. I'm pretty allergic to cats these days)
5. The kids have recently started to get into playing board games and card games just a little -- Hi-ho Cherry-o is a big hit, Go Fish, and a new one called Hoot, Owl, Hoot. Some days they're more in the mood to follow the rules than others, but I don't push it too hard. I love playing board games, so I'm just trying to do all I can to encourage their interest and make it fun.
6. Anyone else planning on having soccer games on all weekend?
Happy Friday!