A Monday list...wait....a Wednesday list
1. I thought I'd give everyone a laugh and leave the mistake in my title. Doing my part to be transparent and make you all feel better about not being perfect. Just keeping it real.
2. The kiddos did remarkably well during the weekend of non-stop travel/driving/shuffling/big family gatherings. May have a couple of little travelers on my hands, which would be the best. But, traveling can be weary for the best of us (and M isn't the best sleeper at home so...he's not any better in unfamiliar places), so now we're camped out at Oma and Papa's house in Missouri until after Christmas, and it's nice to have a little consistency again.
3. I've almost got my Christmas shopping done. I feel like I'm forgetting something.
4. I need to run. It's been a week now. But between rain at home and travel and cold, I'm cutting myself a little slack. Thankfully, my Dad has a treadmill (because, did I mention it's cold up here in the Midwest, y'all?)
5. Reading...I've got The Runaway King on my Kindle. I'm not moving through it very fast at the moment, but I'm also trying to finish up a Christmas stocking so I've been working on that in my down time.
Grab a blanket, hot beverage, and stay warm! (unless you're in the South, in which case....well, stay warm or cool or whatever the comfortable temperature is!)