A Thursday List
1. It is a beautiful day here.
2. Life lesson: there isn't time for all the things. And if there IS time, there isn't energy, or mental power, or emotional power. You gotta choose, and them make peace with your choices. And remember that you can usually choose differently tomorrow.
3. On Tuesday I finished the last of the coffee that my friend Megan sent me from Port City Java. However, that very same day I got a package in the mail with coffee from GuateJava, which supports the non profit Global Community Works, an organization doing really cool things for sustainable development in Guatemala. This is proof that God is a coffee drinker.
4. I ran on Tuesday. Well, I ran/walked. Couch to 5k, week 1, day 1. It wasn't pretty, but it was awesome. I'm hoping to do day 2 on Friday (it's the next best day schedule-wise). With a little and a littler, I'm not putting too much pressure on myself, but I figure a girl's got to have goals, right?
5. Speaking of goals...I see you sitting over there unfinished novel. I haven't forgotten you, I'll just refer you to #2.
6. I'm anxiously awaiting a few library holds, so I started a book that's been chilling on my Kindle for a while: I Captured the Castle. Haven't made it too far yet, because I was catching up on iZombie (fun show, by the way).
Happy Thursday, friends!