A Tuesday list
1. Barry's Irish Breakfast Tea. Backstory: a former coworker Aimee told me about this tea when we worked together at the Pender County Public Library. She had been to Ireland several times, and discovered this tea -- which she had only ever found in Ireland. She took a trip to Ireland while we were working together, and brought back some Barry's, which she generously shared a bit with me. I never knew I could love just a simple black breakfast tea so much. Fast forward: I happen to glance at the tiny "British" section of my local HEB grocery store and practically do a happy dance when I see my beloved Barry's. HEB is the best, y'all. The. best.
2. The Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon and Half Marathon is coming up soon! This is significant to me because I'm signed up to run the half. I'm excited because it's my first half since before the kids were born. Actually, I think it's my first race, period since then. Training is a different animal this time around. A lot more people involved and a lot more logistics to work out when it comes long (i.e., time consuming) runs. It's been good though. It's felt good to push myself physically again, to get back into a running groove. I will say I am looking forward to not juggling all of those logistics. Hats off to my running friends with kids who are training for something most of the year. And hats off to an extremely supportive husband who helps me manage those logistics by doing things like getting the kids ready for church on Sunday mornings and keeping air in the tires of my jogging stroller.
3. Finished Rivals in the City, which was a delight from beginning to end. I didn't have anything specifically lined up to read next, so I'm flailing a little bit today. I have a lot of choices and a lot of books on my to-read list, so it's mostly a matter of just figuring out my mood. Which is easier said than done. On the non-fiction front, I am in the middle of Good Faith, which is really good and really thought-provoking. I'll have a lot more to say about that when I'm finished.
4. Bought Christina's birthday present yesterday and I'm super excited about it. I stole the idea from my parents and a gift they bought my niece -- a ukelele. C LOVES to pretend to play the guitar, but right now she just uses our Rock Band guitar. I liked the idea of giving her an actual instrument, just in case she really likes it and wants to learn to play as she gets older. Bonus: if she ends up not caring one day, she can just pass that instrument on to her mama. Double Bonus: I found a red one. And anyone who knows C probably knows it's her favorite color.
5. Anyone else feeling bereft on Tuesday nights these days without This is Us? Just me?
Happy Tuesday!