A Tuesday list...see you in a couple of weeks!
1. So, Facebook's Timehop is a funny thing. It shows me how I was a full participant in boring and mundane status posts back in the earlyish days of Facebook, and it shows me that this time last year I had almost the exact same thought as I did this morning: getting ready for camp is a combination of planning then waiting until it makes sense to pack. Kind of like staying at home with littles -- super crazy moments and busy running around interspersed with sitting and building with blocks or pushing cars around the floor.
2. The second book in the Charlotte Holmes' series became available from the library yesterday! I really enjoyed the first book (A Study in Charlotte).
3. Somehow I've forgotten how much summer running is all about survival because the runs are just so much harder in the heat and humidity. Of course, this would be a prime time to focus on cross training, but I am so inconsistent in cross training. It's hard to exercise when the kids are up and around -- naturally as soon as I start to do something they abandon what they were playing nicely with and want to be all up in my business -- and there are just too many other things I want/need to do when they're napping or after bed time. Running's nice because they go with me in the jogging stroller. Of course, the best solution would be to get up and do it before they wake up...I say that about a lot of things though. Maybe the second best solution would be to just start doing it so they get used to it, and I can put up with interrupted workouts for a while until interrupting me gets boring.
4. We got newly upholstered couch cushions last week! Our 40 year old couches have had a face lift and I am in love! They're navy -- neutral enough to decorate around, without being brown. (I love brown, but we're surrounded by a lot in various shades of brown and tan and beige already right now).
5. Whiny toddlers who haven't napped are THE WORST. So frustrating, but you know they can't really help it. Sigh. This is why you don't get more interesting blog posts.
6. With camp coming up, it'll be a couple of weeks until you hear my random thoughts and/or book reviews. In the meantime, stay cool, read a lot, and let me know what your favorite non-running exercise is!