A Wednesday List
1. Wednesday means....new podcasts day! My two favorite podcasts -- Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey and Marriage is Funny both post new episodes on Wednesdays. The real challenge is picking which one to listen to first!
2. Speaking of podcasts, there were two episodes of Happy Hour that really encouraged me this past week. The first, was last week's guest Jana Magruder . She and Jamie were talking about age and how they were really enjoying this middle season of life (late 30s, 40s). They talked about the confidence that comes at that age that can't always manufacture when you're young, and how it really feels like there's so much life left to life. And Jana mentioned Julia Child -- an icon, a successful woman by anyone's standards -- who had never even been to France until she was 37. What a good reminder that in our youth-obsessed society, there are so many good seasons in life, and you can invent or reinvent, discover new passions or refine long-held passions at any time. I turned 37 this week, so it seemed even more timely. I also listened to a back episode this week with the author Sally Lloyd-Jones. I LOVED listening to this guest. She was so gentle and funny and wise and interesting. She talked at one point about approaching life trying to be excellent in everything you do. She applied it specifically to artists of all kinds, but really to anyone in whatever you're doing. You can't be perfect, and shouldn't try to be because you never will measure up to that. But you can bring excellence and strive for excellence.
3. I finished The Way of All Fish finally, and will post my thoughts on it soon. It took me longer to read than I would have liked, so it's nice to have started something new and something that I think will be a little quicker of a read (Fangirl, by Rainbow Rowell. I'm late to the party on this one, but I've given up on being in the first wave of readers for most things)
4. A short-long list (is that a thing? Well, it is now). Happy hump day!