A Wednesday list
1. And....we're back! Mostly caught up on sleep and settled back into routine. The kids had a great week at Nana and Grandpapa's and J and I had a great week at camp. For me it was a bit of a mixed bag emotionally -- missing people who weren't there this year and heartache for hurting campers -- but there were a lot of great times and answered prayers too. I was also really challenged by the message each night during worship. We pray for the kids to learn and grow and be convicted, but it's pretty cool when the message reaches everyone at camp.
2. I finished my re-read of the first four Queen's Thief books by Megan Whalen Turner and I'm ready to dive into the newest installment that came out last month (Thick as Thieves). I also just got notified that a book I had on hold at the library is available (Exit West, by Mohsin Hamid), so I've got a lot of reading to do!
3.It might be time to get new running shoes when your toe is starting to poke a hole in one of your current ones. Fortunately, I love getting new shoes! Sticking to my tried and true Saucony Rides, but it reminded me that I really need to plan a little field trip to our local running store -- I'd like to try on some new styles for fun, and maybe see if they have any information on local 5ks and other races. Bonus: the running store is less than a mile down the road from a used book store I've been meaning to check out.
4. I don't know if it was getting a full eight hours of sleep Sunday night or what, but I woke up Monday full of motivation: I did all the post-camp laundry (8 loads), went to the grocery store, mowed the lawn, and even cooked dinner. Obviously, yesterday and today have been...less intense. But that's okay. At minimum, I have at least managed to get up early enough to get dressed before the kids get up (and yesterday got to read my Bible too!), which really sets a good tone for the day when I have stuff I want to get done. My kids get up early enough normally that I don't think I'll ever be one of those people who loves to always gets up before the kids do -- and I've started to own that -- but because I'm slow to wake up it's kind of nice to have at least 10 minutes first thing in the morning before the chaos starts.
Happy Wednesday, everyone!