A Wednesday list...
Well, hello! This has been a weird day, and I almost forgot it was Wednesday (I thought yesterday was Wednesday almost all day so...you get an idea of where my head's at this week).
1. What I'm reading -
The past couple of weeks have been sluggish on the reading front, mostly because I was trying to finish a very un-interesting book that I'd committed to reading for my occasional review gig. But I procrastinated by reading a couple of interesting articles including this one in Christianity Today resonated with me because I'm often frustrated with the dismissive attitude a lot of people have toward the middle of the country - those who don't live there anyway. I haven't lived in the Midwest for a lot of years now, but moving away really helped me see and appreciate the region I'm from a lot more, but so many people dismiss it as "flyover country." I've started a couple of new books, one for review that should be interesting (it's young adult magical realism, and just three chapters in we've already met a telepathic dog) and a fantasy novel by Kate Elliott, a long-time favorite.
2. What I'm listening to and watching --
I finally re-activated my CBS all access subscription so I can watch the second season of Star Trek: Discovery, and so far I'm enjoy the second season a lot. I was also introduced to some new music this weekend when Jeremy and I went to a Needtobreathe concert. Is anyone else familiar with Sean McConnell? I am obsessed! His style is folksy singer-songwriter, his lyrics are heartfelt and poignant, and his voice is outstanding.
3. Grateful -
We've had beautiful weather the past few weeks, and I've noticed how well our county parks department takes care of the county parks and playgrounds. There are a few near us that we go to semi-regularly, and they're always clean and well-maintained, even the bathroom facilities! Which is extremely important and not always the case with public restrooms.
4. Something inspiring:
I came across this article and found it really encouraging, especially to anyone who's ever found themselves awake in the middle of the night longing for sleep. It's not overly deep or profound, but it does contain some beautiful thoughts about God's presence in our lives.
Have a great rest of the week!