A Wednesday list...
Hello, hi! August is doing its best to smother me under a hot, wet blanket of summer malaise, but so far we survive. Kindergarten starts a week from today, so at the very least our normal routine will get a major shake-up soon. I turned in the final revisions on You Again this week. I feel relieved, nervous, excited. Revising is weird: I started second guessing all of my choices, even the ones that were untouched by editorial suggestions and notes. Who knew I would have the urge to just delete it all and start again! (kidding...sort of).
What I'm reading...
I've had the book A Brief History of Montmaray on my TBR list for so long I forgot where I heard about it or why I put it there. I put it on our list of possible August reads for my book club, so I was really excited when that's the book we chose. It's historical fiction set in the late 1930s in a fictional island kingdom off the coast of England. Irritating characters, a touch gothic, characters clueless in a specific kind of way (living very isolated from the outside world). Not as much resolution as I'd have hoped, but it's the first in a series and I'm definitely going to keep reading.
What I'm watching/listening to....
The second season of Derry Girls is heeeerrrreee!!! In case you missed season 1, Derry Girls is 30 minute Netflix show set in Northern Ireland in the 1990s (during The Troubles). It so perfectly captures the awkwardness of being a teenager, the complicated nature of family and friendship, and all with charm and hilarity. (fair warning: there is a LOT of cursing).
What I'm grateful for....
Air conditioning is the obvious choice here but that doesn't make it any less true.
A little inspiration...
I'm a huge fan of children's author Sally Lloyd-Jones, and she wrote a really thought-provoking blog post recently about creativity and wonder. Here's the link: https://www.sallylloyd-jones.com/the-one-indispensable-tool-to-rely-on-each-day/