Flash Sale and Giveaway!
Hello! We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to tell you about a short sale and giveaway. I love receiving books as gifts, and I love GIVING books as gifts. Since prime gift-giving season is here (ish. We don’t get too into Christmas until after Thanksgiving at House Waters, but I DO start thinking about gift buying), I’m running a flash sale on a limited stock of signed copies of my book You Again! It would be the perfect gift for a reader in your life who might enjoy a cozy, second-chance love story with relatable characters.
Here are the sale details: you can purchase one copy of the book for $10, and any additional copies for $7 plus $3 for shipping on any number of books (local pickup available if you’re in the Houston area!). For you, lovely newsletter subscribers, the sale starts right now, and lasts until November 18 or I sell out. AND as my Christmas gift to you, I’m also going to do a little giveaway of a $20 gift card to your book retailer of choice. To enter the giveaway either A) purchase a book OR B) share this email with at least one friend between now and November 18 (because I know a lot of you lovely people have already purchased and gifted copies of my book, for which I am eternally grateful) I’ll be opening up the sale and giveaway on Facebook and Instagram starting Monday.
To take advantage of the flash sale, just reply to this email with your name, address, how many books you want, and if you want any of them personalized.
Thanks and happy Friday!