Odds and Ends
Wow, I was sure it'd been longer than a week since I'd posted last; but it's been a full week: my parents came for a visit from Missouri, I got a bad cold, it snowed and my parents' flight got cancelled. Today's a back-to-normal day: back to work and back to normal routine. I like routine, so that's not a bad thing. But I did enjoy the time with family and the unexpected snow day. (the cold...not so much). I'm a bit behind on reviews, as well as a little behind on my reading in general; but I'm looking forward to attacking my growing to-read pile.
In related news: I got a Kindle for Christmas! Now, I'm a book girl all the way, but I can definitely see uses for an e-reader, and I'm super excited to use my new one. The first book I have planned for it is The Man Who Was Thursday, by G.K. Chesterton. I'm supposed to read it for a book club and my local library doesn't have a copy available. Sounds perfect!