On the other hand...
I could finish the Queen of the Tearling, but I'm having a tough time staying interested and I own it....on the other hand...I could read my library copy of Queen of Shadows, the fourth book in the Throne of Glass series. No contest: Queen of Shadows.
I could take a nap because someone has decided to go back to waking up a couple of times a night instead of spoiling mama with only waking up once a night and right now both children are napping at THE SAME TIME...on the other hand...I could write a blog post which I've been putting on my to-do list at least three times a week for a month. And maybe sneak in a 15 minute power nap after?
I could tell everyone how I've started listening to The Night Circus and I'm already a little in love with it (yes, I know everyone and their dog has read this book already. I'm never going to be up on new books again. Just a heads-up)....on the other hand...there is no other hand. Having this cued up in Audible may be the best thing that ever happened to my housecleaning/running/knitting.
I could get overwhelmed by the number of things I want to do...and the number of things I NEED to do and the fact that it's just easier to do none of it....on the other hand...I could just take one thing at a time, attempt to mix up the urgent with the important/the want with the need, and try to accept when I can't do everything. And ask for help when I need it.
Yesterday, I finished week 3, day 3 of Couch to 5k. Yay! Running! I'm feeling motivated so far, and now just need to stay motivated enough to add in a day or two (realistically, a day) of yoga during the week, and a little bit of core work to help the running go better (and to help everything go better, really). I'm inspired by the plank these days, especially after my friend Tess posted a link about plank exercises. No other hand here....just an attempt to get my booty in gear. Next up...goals for 2016.