Welcome, New Year!
2013 was a good year -- a year of lots of change, excitement, and a little sadness too, but a good year. It included deliberate, quality time spent with family and friends, savoring little moments and memories, a move across the country and the ensuing new jobs and other newness that comes with a move. It included life-changing news (yeah, that's code for "we're having a baby"), and regular, everyday moments.
I like patterns and life rythms, so naturally I like celebrating a new year (I also like to celebrate change any ol' time of year...oh, and school culture still makes me feel like fall is another "new year"). Usually, while I have some idea of what's ahead, I try to approach each new year knowing that there's no way to plan for or expect every part of what's coming up in life. But never is that more true than 2014 (you did see that code-for-having-baby comment, right?). All I can say for sure, is that I hope to approach 2014 with intention, and with my eyes wide open, ready to catch opportunities and savor moments.
Here's to a new year full of life, challenge, hope, and a lot of good stories along the way!