Well, hello, March
Is it just me, or did February seem even shorter than usual? I'm finding myself in the middle of reading more than one book at once right now, and busy enough that I have a little less time to read than usual too. I've got an audio going (Red Seas Under Red Skies, by Scott Lynch, the second in the Gentleman Bastards series), a book for work (Beautiful Ruins, by Jess Walter), a book for myself (The Last Word: a Spellman Novel, by Lisa Lutz) and a couple of non-fiction books that I'm inching my way through (Search for Significance and Happiest Baby on the Block) -- full disclosure, I'm not the best non-fiction reader, but these are definitely books I want to finish.
There are a few books on the docket, books that are coming out soon or out recently that I can't wait to read...Words of Radiance, by Brandon Sanderson...Sinner, by Maggie Stiefvater...Dreams of Gods and Demons, by Laini Taylor.
This scattershot approach to reading is indicitive of my swirly brain lately. But I've got a bit of chicken and egg situation -- is my brain swirly because I'm reading several books at once, or am I reading several books at once because my brain is swirly? As my good friend Fair Finley (yes, fictional....what's your point?) would say: I've got a lot of brain folders open right now:
1. Shoes. I've been on a MONTHS long search for the perfect oxfords...thanks to Janssen, I may have found them. I ordered them online (see: busy and lazy), so we'll see if they fit.
2. Travel. I was out of town four out of the last eight weekends. Great trips, needed visits, and a lot of fun. But it can make for some feelings of catch-up, and for less time to do things like finally visit an Austin farmer's market or Book People, go for a hike, read books, write.
3. Peanut. Yeah, I'm six months pregnant. That's enough for a whole brain filing cabinet, including folders like reorganize-the-house, advanced-list-making, etc.
4. Music. I've been directing a bit of my discretionary cash each month to books, which is great. But I'm hankering for some new music. I need to get closer to my library and re-direct a few of those dollars. And then explore...I'm kind of in the mood for something folksy, maybe slightly country. Also in my music folder right now: making time for playing. I finally busted my cello out of hibernation, and one of my strings broke when I started tuning. So, there's that.
5. Socializing, aka, trying not to burrow in my burrow.
6. Knitting. Working on a Knit-a-Long that's supposed to be done at the end of March. So, I'm logging in some quality time with Parenthood, Nashville, The Amazing Race, Star Trek: TNG, and my knitting needles.
So...March. Spring...Lent...Daylight Savings (don't EVEN get me started on that)...oh, and one very important brain folder:
6. Stop. Breathe. Enjoy each moment and list and book and song and project and meal and conversation.